MUSIcool (Hydrocarbon Refrigerant) is one of the innovative products of PT. Pertamina, which serves as a replacement for Freon (Hydrocarbons Synthetic) that are environmentally friendly. But in reality the marketing volume of Semarang Musicool is low because the product Is classified as a new product that requires proper promotion in to the target market. The Principal objective of this even…
Tugas Akhir ini membahas mengenai analisis kelayakan investasi penambahan kendaraan sewa pada KPRI Serba Usaha MIGAS Cepu tahun 2015. berkembangnya bisnis persewaan kendaraan mendorong koperasi untuk meningkatkan pendapatan jasa melalui penambahan kendaraan sewa. Untuk menentukan layak atau tidaknya investasi kendaraan penting dilakukannya analisis kelayakan investasi. Karena hal ini menyangkut…
Tujuan dari penulisan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui break even point, margin of safety, contribution margin dan perencanaan laba jangka pendek tahun 2014 selain itu juga untuk menguji perubahan asumsi pada Bintang Victoria Home Industry . Data yang digunakan adalah data kuantitatif berupa semua biaya dan volume penjualan, data kualitatif berupa struktur organisasi dan kegiatan usaha…
Tugas Akhir ini membahas mengenai rencana penggantian mesin fotokopi Canon IR5000 menjadi Canon IR6000 pada Koperasi PT. Taspen (PERSERO) Kantor Cabang Utama Semarang. Tujuannya adalah mengetahui apakah penggantian investasi tersebut layak dilaksanakan. Hasil perhitungan penelitian ini dapat menjadi pertimbangan bagi manajemen Koperasi PT. Taspen (PERSERO) Kantor Cabang Utama Semarang dalam men…
The project about Beauty and Cooking Class event with the theme “Show Up Your Beauty”. The realization of the project was performed at Ballroom Politeknik Negeri Semarang on Sunday, 4th May 2014, it was held by Aida Fathya, Amalina Hanika and Elsa Juli Annisa. The purpose of final project to develop women skills about ethics and procedures to use make up that can support a career in the …
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menerapkan SAK ETAP pada laporan keuangan koperasi. Penelitian Tugas Akhir ini dilakukan pada Koperasi Unit Desa “Usaha Mina” Semarang yang membahas mengenai laporan keuangan koperasi berdasarkan SAK ETAP, karena sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Koperasi dan UKM Nomor 04/per/M.KUKM/VII/1012 standar akuntansi koperasi menggunakan SAK ETAP. Koperasi Unit Desa …
To confront the competition to survive in any business, every company must have promotional strategies. They are important factors due to the fact that promotion can provide the information needed by consumers. The appropriate promotional strategies should be in accordance with the plan before. The purposes of this final project report are to describe and know to about the strategy and executio…
The purpose of this final project is to determine the effect of job rotation and organizational culture on employee motivation at PT. PLN (Persero) APJ Semarang. The sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling. The samples taken were 52 respondents. Data collection methods are observation, questionnaire and literature review then processed using validity, re…
The purpose of this final project is: To determine customer perceptions of service quality at new installation and added power in serving customer to the PT. PLN (Persero) Area Semarang are seen through the five dimensions of service, Reliabiliy, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empaty, and Tangible. The sampling technique used is the probability sampling method. Data collection methods are interview…
The objective of this final project is to know the implementation of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) program at PT. Sun Star Motor Banyumanik-Semarang branch, purposes of visit customers program, constraints in the implementation of the visit customers program, and the increase in customer loyalty on PT. Sun Star Motor Banyumanik-Semarang. The sampling technique used in this research was…