PT Suara Merdeka is a company engaged in sector of newspaper. The management of PT Suara Merdeka has many strategies for getting profit from their business. one of those strategies is promotional mix. It has done in this company but because of price increase, they experiencing sales decline. So that, they have to improve their promotional mix with expectation in order to get sale…
All today’s society requires electrical services, both community living areas of the city and those who live in rural areas. Indirectly electrity has become a primary requirements in the currents needs of the society. Electricity plays an important role in human life, without electricity the whole community will not run properly and smoothly as it should. PT PLN Persero Semarang area as a pr…
The purposes of this final project were to identify the customer perception on the quality of after sales service at PT. Sun Star Motor Banyumanik-Semarang. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling. The methods in collecting data were interview, questionnaire, observation, and literature studies. The results shows that the customer perception on the quality of after s…
CV Sendang Agung adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang percetakan. Perkembangan usaha dan peningkatan penjualan CV Sendang Agung tidak diimbangi dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang digunakan. Permasalahan pada pencatatan, pengelolaan dan pelaporan yang terjadi di CV Sendang Agung mendorong kami untuk membuat aplikasi yang dibutuhkan. Perancangan ini bertujuan menghasilkan ap…
The purpose of the study to determine the influence of cultural factors on purchasing decisions e-toll card, to determine the influence of social factors on purchasing decisions e-toll card, personal factors to determine the effect of the decision of buying an e-toll card and to determine what factors most influence on decisions e-toll card purchase transactions prepaid toll roads. The popu…
The purpose of the research are: to know how the customers perception of service quality prepaid electricity at PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Selatan and prepaid electricity service quality variables what is a priority for customers. The variabels are Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Emphaty. The sampling technique used is random sampling method. D…
Tujuan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan Primkopkar PT. PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah dan DIY tahun 2011-2013 ditinjau dari rasio likuiditas, solvabilitas, rentabilitas dan aktivitas, serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan tingkat rasio likuiditas, solvabilitas, rentabilitas dan aktivitas. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah metode deskripsi dan metode …
The purposes of this workshop and garage sale were to help the beginners as well as the online shop owners to develop the business, introduce and establish communication between the online shop owners in Semarang, introducing the Semarang State Polytechnic through out the events. Workshop and garage sale with the theme “Open Your Mind, Get Your Success” by Semarang State Polyt…
Decision-making can be regarded as the cognitive process resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several alternative possibilities. Every decision-making process produces a final choice that may or may not prompt action. Decision-making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker. Decision-making is o…
Perkembangan teknologi di zaman sekarang menawarkan kemudahan hampir dalam segala bidang, termasuk kemudahan dalam bidang akuntansi. Namun ternyata belum semua perusahaan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi tersebut termasuk CV Sendang Agung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi pengelolaan data pembelian pada CV Sendang Agung dengan Microsoft Visual Basi…