Mekanisme Pendaftaran dan Penerbitan Angka Pengenal Impor (API) Dalam Proses Pengiriman Barang Pada Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Privinsi Jawa tengah
The purpose of this research is to find out the mechanism of registry and issuing API (Angka Pengenal Impor or Import of Identification Number) for imported goods at Trade and Industry Office of Central Java Province, the parties and document include in register and issuing API process and identify importer’s obligation who has API.
The background of this research is the importance of company import must have API and import which is permitted have not API. The methods used in this research is descriptive which elaborates the clear appropriate explanation in detail of API activities. The types of data are secondary data, qualitative and quantitative data. The data were collected by doing observation, interview and literature studies.
There are two kinds of API they are General API and Producer API. The parties requirement are importer regency government and Trade and Industry Office of Central Java Province. And the related documents are API form, Certificate of Company, domicile holding company certificate, SIUP, TDP, NPWP and KTP. There are three obligation of the owner of API, namely (1) reporting the import realization, (2) reporting the data change concerning with API, and (3) renewing the API every 5 years.
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