Prosedur Pengadaan Barang Atau Jasa Pada Bagian Umum PT. PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah dan DIY
The purposes of this study were to determine application of the procurement of goods or services, the type of documents used in the implementation and the obstacles that occurred at PT PLN (Persero) Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta Distribution.
The final project was written descriptively providing accurate facts, clear and appropriate to the field. The types of data used were qualitative data, quantitative data. The collection method of this final project were of observation, interviews and literature studies.
In The Procurement of Goods or Services on General Section PT PLN (Persero) Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta Distribution starts from the publication process operating power of attorney work (SKKO), then proceeds to the officers / procurement committee for the selection of procurement method, after having made a contract agreed upon and accompanied by the documents required in the procurement. In the implementation, there are still problems/ obstacles that occur both in terms of planning, vendors side, as well as internal side companies
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