Marketing Information System Design Using Website With Notification Via E-Mail at Biondi Shop Semarang
The presence of internet technologies and email facility as a promotional tool can expand the marketing area. Use of the internet and e-mail technology at present has been very expanded and socialized. Internet technology is growing rapidly considered being very necessary in various fields of business. Web and e-mail technology can be used to convey information about the product being offered, so the company can conduct sales and marketing to more responsive, effective, and efficient.
The purpose of this study is to analyze and design a system of e-commerce at Shop Biondi Semarang to help the sales process that can place an order online and provide up to date information to customers. Currently, Biondi Shop Semarang’s owner use Facebook for promotion and also in the ordering of goods, direct customers to come to the store and by phone.
The method used is the method of analysis, and design methods. Methods of analysis carried out by the literature study, data collection (observation), and interviews. Meanwhile, the method performed by the SDLC design and UML.
The result achieved is that Biondi Shop Semarang requires a web-based sales system or e-commerce, thus simplifying the ordering by customers. With a system of target marketing is expected to grow. The conclusion that can be taken is the internet is a medium that can help and support in business development.
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