The Analysis of Bank Liquidity Risk Before and During The Covid-19 Pandemic at PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Period: 2018-2021
This research is aimed to find out the difference in the results of the liquidity risk assessment of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period: 2018-2021. The data used in this research are secondary data that obtained from the Financial Reports of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. The data analysis method used is the Inherent Risk Assessment on Liquidity Risk in accordance with Bank Indonesia Circular Letter or Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia (SEBI) No. 13/24/DPNP dated October 25, 2011 and Financial Services Authority or Surat Edaran Jasa Keuangan (SEOJK) No. 14/SEOJK.03/2017. The results in this research show that there are differences in the acquisition of liquidity risk at PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Liquidity risk rating before the Covid-19 Pandemic (2018- 2019) is 2 (Low to Moderate) while during the Covid-19 Pandemic (2020-2021), liquidity risk has an increased with a rating of 4 (Moderate to High) in 2020 and decreased in 2021 to 1 (Low).
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