Analisis pengaruh harga dan biaya distribusi produk slimming gel terhadap volume penjualan pada PT Mustika Ratubuana Semarang
Marketing mix consists of product, price, promotion and distribution which increase sales as its goal. Price is the amount of money (plus a few items if it is possible) required to obtain a combination of goods and services, while distribution is the process of distributing products and services that are appropriate and organized so that the effectiveness of the sales will occur.
The primary purpose of the research is to analyze the influence of price and distribution costs of products slimming gel at PT Mustika Ratubuana Semarang.
This research is a quantitative analysis which analyses the problem using quantitative techniques, while the data collection methods are observation, interviews and literature review.
The Results of multiple linear regression is Y was 2.184 - 377.657X1 + 9.003X2 + e. It means that price and distribution cost had positive influence with sales volume. The determination coefficient analysis indicated R=0.363. It means that influence between price and distribution cost toward sales volume is small. Then ,the t-test from the analysis indicated that t-count price=-4.878 and distribution cost = 9.003 and t-table=2.012, distribution cost are bigger than t-table. It means there is an influence of distribution cost toward sales volume, while the price does not influence. The last, the simultan test from the analysis indicated that F-count= 12.819 is bigger F-table=3.200. This shows that Ho is refused, it means there was an simultan influence of price and distribution cost toward sales volume at PT Mustika Ratubuana Semarang.
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