Analisis hubungan atribut produk dengan kepuasan konsumen pada koran meteor Semarang
Product Attributes can create customer's satisfaction. If customers are satisfied with product attributes given, they will keep on buying the company products. Company should maintain and increase their customer's satisfaction.
The purposes of this research are to find out the correlation of product attributes with customer's satisfaction of Meteor newspaper Semarang, to find out the strength level correlation of product attributes with customer's satisfaction of Meteor newspaper Semarang, and to find out the level significant of correlation of product attributes with customer's satisfaction.
The data are collected by interviews, questionnaire, observation, and literature reviews. In this questioner there were 100 respondents Meteor Newspaper readers. The analysis method used are Chi Square and Contingency Coefficient.
The result of analysis showes that with degree of freedom 4, the value of calculated analysis by Chi Square for news value is 29.512, the print out quality is 27.686, and the language is 23.114. The result of coefficient contingency showes that to news value is 0.477, the print out quality is 0.466, and the language is 0.433. The analysis result showes that there is correlation between product attributes with consumer's satisfaction in Meteor Semarang.
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