Pengaruh Harga Ekspor Impor dan Kualitas Pelayanan Jasa terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada EMKL PT Trisatya Manunggal Sejahtera = The Influence of Import Export Prices and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction at EMKL PT Trisatya Manunggal Sejahtera
EMKL is a service that operates in the field of export-import management services where price, service quality and customer satisfaction are the main factors that must be improved and maintained for the survival of the EMKL company. This research aims to determine the effect of import-export price policies and service quality on customer satisfaction at EMKL PT Trisatya Manunggal Sejahtera Group located in Semarang Indah Blok E VIII No. 32, Tawangmas, Semarang, Central Java. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive, the objects in this research were 30 respondents from PT Trisatya Manunggal Sejahtera Group customers. Data analyzed using multiple regression analysis methods, the results of the research show that import-export price policies and service quality have a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. Thus, the higher the quality of service, the higher the satisfaction felt by customers. From the results of the Coefficient of Determination (R2) it can be concluded that the Export Import Price Policy (X1) and Service Quality (X2) modeling has an influence of 78.6% on Customer Satisfaction (Y) and the remaining 21.4% is influenced by other factors. not examined in this study. So it is concluded that the import-export price policy and service quality have a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. Based on the results of the Partial Significance Test (t Test) in this research, it shows that the independent variables Import Export Price Policy (X1) and Service Quality (X2) have a significant and partially positive effect on the dependent variable Customer Satisfaction (Y).
Keywords: EMKL, Import Export Price Policy, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction
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