Gaya APA

Yudhistira, I, C. et al (2023). Rancang Bangun Shutter Conveyor Reversible Semi – Otomatis Berbasis PLC Guna Mengurangi Waktu Proses Material Handling Pada Line Assembly Steering Tipe D74 di PT Akashi Wahana Indonesia = Design and Construct a Semi-Automatic Reversible Shutter Conveyor Based on PLC to Reduce Material Handling Process Time on D74 Steering Assembly Line at PT Akashi Wahana Indonesia. . Semarang: Politeknik Negeri Semarang.

Gaya MLA

Yudhistira, Iswanocta, Candra. et al. "Rancang Bangun Shutter Conveyor Reversible Semi – Otomatis Berbasis PLC Guna Mengurangi Waktu Proses Material Handling Pada Line Assembly Steering Tipe D74 di PT Akashi Wahana Indonesia = Design and Construct a Semi-Automatic Reversible Shutter Conveyor Based on PLC to Reduce Material Handling Process Time on D74 Steering Assembly Line at PT Akashi Wahana Indonesia.". Semarang: Politeknik Negeri Semarang, 2023. SKRIPSI DIGITAL.