Financial Performance Analysis using Market Value Added (MVA) and Shareholder Value Added (SVA) Methods (Study on Digital Bank Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019-2023 Period) = Financial Performance Analysis using Market Value Added (MVA) and Shareholder Value Added (SVA) Methods (Study on Digital Bank Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019-2023 Period)
This research aims to analyze the financial performance of digital banks using the Market Value Added (MVA) method and the Shareholder Value Added (SVA) method in digital bank companies for the 2019-2023 research period. The data collection technique uses purposive sampling, and 6 companies meet the research sample selection criteria. The method used is the applied quantitative method. The results of this research indicate that the Market Value Added (MVA) method, there are 5 companies, namely ARTO, BNBA, BBYB, BBHI, and AGRO, which produce positive average values and 1 company has a negative value, namely BACA, meaning that Bank Capital has not succeeded in increasing the value of capital invested by shareholders. It is considered that financial performance is still not good. In the Shareholder Value Added (SVA) method results in all companies having a positive average value, which means that on average in the last five years, the Digital Bank in this research was able to generate shareholder value-added significantly from the previous year.
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