Analysis Of Stock Valuation Using The Dividend Discount Model (DDM) For Investment Decesions In Healthcare Companies Listed On The IDX For the 2019-2023 Period = Analysis Of Stock Valuation Using The Dividend Discount Model (DDM) For Investment Decesions In Healthcare Companies Listed On The IDX For the 2019-2023 Period
This study aims to analyze the calculation of stock valuation using the Dividend Discount Model (DDM) method in health sector companies in the 2019-2023 research period as a basis for making investment decisions. The data collection technique uses purposive sampling, and 8 companies meet the criteria for selecting research samples. The method used is descriptive applied quantitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that with the Dividend Discount Model (DDM) method of constant growth 7 company stocks are undervalued during 2019-2023, namely HEAL, MIKA, PRDA, DVLA, KLBF, SIDO, and TSPC. There is 1 company stock that was in an overvalued condition, namely PEHA shares. So the recommendation for investment decisions that can be chosen is to sell these shares due to expensive conditions to get maximum profit.
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