Perancangan sistem informasi leasing pada dealer Anton Motor Weleri
Leas system used car dealer Anton continues to use a system manually or through a memorandum of lease leas notes. This manual system has the disadvantage, among others: not efficient for the time in the recording and recovery of data. In order to overcome the disadvantages caused by the manual system used by Anton Motor Dealer. Anton Motor must puts the right information systems and coordinated so that the data is stored and processed can be restored in accordance with the requirements
The purpose of this project are to simplify and speed up the record of goods and record at Anton Motor Dealer, Create applications that can help and minimize the possibility of lost data at the dealer
The method of collecting data are observation, interview and literature view.
The result shows that : With rental information systems Visual Foxpro 9.0 application can perform data entry easier in both cars, consumer and auto sales, Leas of information systems at Anton Motors Dealer Weleri Visual FoxPro application 9.0, the file is searched faster, With the implementation of various applications of information systems in the rental of Visual FoxPro 9.0 is more accurate data
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