Optimalisasi Strategi Marketing Penggunaan Media Sosial Instagram pada UMKM Oleh-oleh Bang Andy 78 di Kabupaten Semarang = Optimization of Marketing Strategies Using Social Media Instagram on MSMEs Oleh-oleh Bang Andy 78 in the Regency of Semarang
This study aims at analyzes how the marketing strategy carried out by MSME Oleh-oleh Bang Andy 78, How is the Instagram content of MSME Oleh-oleh Bang Andy 78 before optimization, How is the Instagram content of MSME Oleh-oleh Bang Andy 78 after optimization and How is the impact of optimization on the Instagram social media content of MSMEs Oleh-oleh Bang Andy 78 on sales volume. The optimization process carried out in May, 2024.
The data analysis employed in this research is based on interviews, observation, a literature review, documentation, and data analysis models, which include data reduction, data presentation, inference, and a t-test.
As a result, this research shows the marketing strategy used by UMKM Oleh-oleh Bang Andy 78 on the Instagram social media platform owned by UMKM. This research also shows the appearance on Instagram of UMKM Oleh-oleh Bang Andy 78 before and after the optimization process carried out in May, 2024. Furthermore, this study proves that the optimization process carried out has run well and has a considerable impact on increasing sales volume.
Keywords: Optimization, Marketing Strategy, Social Media, MSMEs.
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