Studi Komparasi Analisis Perhitungan Struktur Dengan Respon Spektrum Dan Time History Untuk High Rise Building = Comparative Study Of Structural Calculation Analysis With Response Spectrum And Time History For High Rise Building
The lecture building is one of the facilities that include important category IV
buildings, so earthquake-resistant structural planning is needed, and the building
must remain standing after being given a planned earthquake load. Analysing
earthquake-resistant building structures' planning includes dynamic spectrum
response analysis and time history analysis. Earthquake data for time history uses
3 (three) earthquake records, namely the Kuji Earthquake (Japan, 2011), the
Kushiro Earthquake (Japan, 1973) and the Imperial Valley Earthquake (California,
1987). Meanwhile, the earthquake response spectrum data used the Yogyakarta
Special Region earthquake data. This study aims to determine the difference in
earthquake loads between the spectrum response method and time history and the
effect of earthquake loads on the results of deviation, moment and latitude forces.
The analysis results based on SNI 1726-2019 show that the time history earthquake
load calculation tends to be greater than the spectrum response. This affects the
deviation, moment force and latitude force, which are also greater than the
spectrum response. The resulting comparison of the calculation results of the
Spectrum Response and Time History analysis has a deviation value on floors 1-6
with the Time History method which is greater than the Spectrum Response method
with the largest deviation on floor 5. As for floors 7-10, both methods have a linear
deviation value. The deviation results from the Time History method exceed the
existing permissible deviation, so it is necessary to strengthen the structure.
Keywords: Analysis, Earthquake, Response Spectrum, Time History, SNI 1726-
2019, Deflection, Moment force, Latitude force.
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