Gaya APA

YUDHISTIRA, M, G. et al (2024). Alternatif Desain Bored Pile Akibat Adanya Akuifer pada Kedalaman 29 Meter dengan Komparasi Jumlah Tiang dan Kedalaman Titik Berdasarkan Kapasitas Daya Dukung, Biaya, dan Waktu Pelaksanaan (Studi Kasus : Abutment 2 Jembatan Akses Banyurejo STA 00+625 Proyek Jalan Tol Yogyakarta-Bawen Paket 1 Seksi 1) = Alternative Bored Pile Design Due to the Existence of an Aquifer at a Depth of 29 Meters with a Comparison of the Number of Pillars and Depth of Points Based on Carrying Capacity, Cost and Implementation Time (Case Study: Abutment 2 Banyurejo Access Bridge STA 00+625 Yogyakarta-Bawen Toll Road Project Package 1 Section 1) . Semarang: Politeknik Negeri Semarang.

Gaya MLA

YUDHISTIRA, M., GHULAM. et al. "Alternatif Desain Bored Pile Akibat Adanya Akuifer pada Kedalaman 29 Meter dengan Komparasi Jumlah Tiang dan Kedalaman Titik Berdasarkan Kapasitas Daya Dukung, Biaya, dan Waktu Pelaksanaan (Studi Kasus : Abutment 2 Jembatan Akses Banyurejo STA 00+625 Proyek Jalan Tol Yogyakarta-Bawen Paket 1 Seksi 1) = Alternative Bored Pile Design Due to the Existence of an Aquifer at a Depth of 29 Meters with a Comparison of the Number of Pillars and Depth of Points Based on Carrying Capacity, Cost and Implementation Time (Case Study: Abutment 2 Banyurejo Access Bridge STA 00+625 Yogyakarta-Bawen Toll Road Project Package 1 Section 1)". Semarang: Politeknik Negeri Semarang, 2024. SKRIPSI DIGITAL.