Budidaya jamur pada Desa Tengaran Kabupaten Semarang
Oyster mushrooms has economic value to society. The economic value of oyster mushrooms cultivation obtained because of the relatively small cost and that can make much profit. In addition, the implementation of the oyster mushroom cultivation does not need the knowledge and skills that is difficult for the community. The factors that improve the cultivation of oyster mushroom have good prospect for the future. The purpose of this project is Marketing aspects, relating to the marketing mix are product, price, promotion, marketing and location of oyster mushroom cultivation. And Aspects of Production, in association with the development of oyster mushrooms to harvest baglog cultivation.
Oyster mushroom cultivation is carried out for 3-4 months, a landmark village still has a high market absorption because there are only few farmers who cultivate oyster mushrooms
The approaching methods used in this project were marketing strategy, production strategy, human resource strategy, financial strategy, and distribution strategy. Marketing strategy in this project consisted of product, price, promotion, and place strategy.
The activities in the oyster mushroom cultivation were planning of business, recruitment employees, purchasing baglog, harvesting, and selling mushrooms to agents.
The result of this project showed that the aspect of marketing did not reached of targets. The aspect of production could produce 8,93 kg a day, and the aspect of human resource could recruit an employee. Beside of that, the aspect of finance could reach the target that make a profit of Rp 1.267 million in 3 months.
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