Pengukuran efektivitas iklan pada penayangan iklan Honda Vario dimediaTelevisi dengan menggunakan direct rating method pada PT Astra Honda motor (Studi pada masyarakat Salatiga)
The purpose of this final project is to find out the consumer perceptions of advertising Honda Vario on television in shaping public opinion to make a purchase Salatiga Honda Vario.
The method of collecting data used in this final project is questionarie and it is written descriptively.
Based on the result obtained values of each variable consisting of Attention at 12.56; the read througness at 11.96; cognitive amounting to15.68; affective at 15.36; and behavior of 15, 20. For the total of all the variables shown in rank 70.76 and Honda Vario means that advertising on television ads in the category of effective or good advertising. And have been able to shape public opinion to make a purchase.
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