Analisis brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, dan brand loyalty terhadap keputusan menggunakan jasa Patra Semarang convention hotel Semarang
The purposes of this study were to know consumer profiles and to know influence of brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty of the decision to use the services provided by Patra Semarang Convention Hotel. The methods of this study were questionnaire and interview. The method of analysis was regression.
The result of regression analysis was Y = -0.327 + 0.280X1 + 0.240X2 + 0.343X3 + 0.180X4 + e. it meant that all variables of the study had positive effect on the decision to use service provided by Patra Semarang Convention Hotel. T test showed that brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, dan brand loyalty had significant effect on the decision to use service provided by Patra Semarang Convention Hotel. F test showed that the calculated F 64.158 > F tabel 2,57 meant that all variables had significant effect of the decision to use service provided by Patra Semarang Convention Hotel. The coefficient of determination thal all variabel had effect as 85.1 % the rest equalled to 14.9 % influence by factors that do not exist in this study. Therefore, the suggestion is that the hotel should maintain and increase brand equity.
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