Analisis pengaruh brand image dan kualitas produk terhadap keputusan pembelian kartu seluler simpati (Studi pada masyarakat Kelurahan Tembalang)
The rapid economic growth makes company has inovation for their products especially in communication technology so does the celluler card like Simpati from Telkomsel Company. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of brand image dan product quality on customers’ decision making on buying simpati celluler card. This research used a non probability sampling, it used accidential sampling. The research was categorized as descriptive-corelation research and used 30 samples. The samples were people using Simpati card and staying in Tembalang distric. The data collecting technique in the research used quesionnaire.
The result of multiple analysis regresion was Y=0,105+0,475X1+0,438X2 with brand image (0,475) and product quality (0,438). Brand image didn’t have significant i on customers’ decision making, but product quality did have significant on customers’ decision making. Coefficien determination in this research was 0467, it meant that independent variables (brand image and product quality) had 46,7% contribution to dependent variable ( customer decision making) and 53,3% contributed from other variables that were not included in this research.
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