Persepsi karyawan terhadap kebijakan pemberian kompensasi pada PT Nasmoco Gombel Semarang
PT Nasmoco Gombel Semarang is a company which runs on car sale and services. PT Nasmoco Gombel Semarang also has to increase the staff satisfaction, so PT Nasmoco Gombel gives the compensation. The compensation is given to increase output of the company.
The purpose of this research is to acknowledge the staff perception or feedback on the compensation policies. The data are collected by distributing questionnaires to 30 respondents, they are the sales people and the employees who work in the workshop the of PT Nasmoco Gombel Semarang. Sampling method applies proportional sampling and the data are analyzed using distribution frequency.
It is found that the score average for respecting dimensions are Salary 2,88 , subsidy 2,82, insentive 2,76, and facility 2,78.
It is concluded show that the staff are satisfied with compensation, It is suggested that PT Nasmoco Gombel Semarang should evaluate the compensation, to increase the output
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