Pengaruh pelaksanaan program pelatihan terhadap prestasi kerja kaeyawan pada PT Nojorono Tobacco International Kudus
Advances in science and technology over time continues to grow, this can be seen as more implementation of business forms, where the effort required to implement workforce who have high ability and skills, to have employees, it is not easy, either one company’s efforts to improve the quality of human resources is to conduct training programs. This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation of training programs on work performance of employees at PT Nojorono Tobacco International Kudus. By carrying out training of employees it is expected to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities. The method used in this study is simple linear regression and coefficient of determination.
The hypothesis of the research results of it is found that the Implementation of Training Program has positive and significant impact on work performance of employees at PT Nojorono Tobacco International Kudus.
The sampling technique used is purposive random sampling technique. That target population is the monthly employee at PT Nojorono Tobacco International Kudus totaling 606 people and a sample taken 86 people by using slovin formula, variables that were measured using a Likert scale. SPSS version 15.0 was used to process the data. The results showed that the implementation of training programs has a positive and significant impact on work performance. The regression equation is Y = 31,534 + 0,476 X, is the coefficient regression is 0,476 positive coefficient of determination results of the obtained 22,9%.It means that the factor of the training program served increases the work performance of employees, from hypothesis testing it is obtained that t count is 4,989 and t table is 1,663, this means that the training programs have a significant impact on work performance.
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