Mekanisme Pembelian Bahan baku Mesian Diesel (Tipe RD 85-D12S) Bagian Pembelian PT Kubota Indonesia pada "Vendor " Lokal
The purpose of the final project report is to identity the mechanism of purchasing raw materials at PT KUBOTA Indonesia.
This final project used descriptive method. The data for this final project are qualitative and quantitative and they were taken from primary and secondary data source. Data were collected by doing observation, interview, literature study and Documention Study.
Because product sales PT Kubota Indonesia increased, the purchase of raw materials is an important activity to produce diesel engines. Mechanism is ways of working of an organization or company. Purchasing department requires a good mechanism of the purchase in the implementation of procurement of raw materials that aim to obtain raw materials standarized company. There are four mechanisms. The first, mechanism of order by raw materials purchasing at PT Kubota Indonesia on local vendors, second mechanism is of controling by delivery raw materials, third mechanism is of controling by receipt raw materials and finaly is mechanism of payment by purchase raw materials.
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