Analisis tingkat kesehatan unit simpan pinjam (USP) koperasi pada koperasi pegawai logistik (Kopel) Dolog Jawa Tengah Tahun 2010-2012
The cooperative health at the saving loan unit is a cooperative condition declared healthy, healthy enough, less healthy, not healthy, and not very healthy. Health of unit saving loan cooperative could be rated from 6 aspects. They are aspect of capital, aspect of the quality of productive asset, aspect of efficiency, aspect of liquidity, aspect of independence and development, and aspect of identity of cooperation. Assessment of the level of health care unit saving loan reviewed from this aspects based on ministerial regulation number 14/Per/M.KUKM/XII/2009. Study location of this research is Koperasi Pegawai Logistik (KOPEL) Dolog Central Java at Jalan Menteri Supeno Number 1/1 Mugasari Village, South Semarang Sub-district. The analytical method used is the ratio analysis method. The purpose of this research is to know the level of cooperative health at the saving loan unit Kopel Dolog Central Java in 2010 to 2012.
The results of the assessment of the level of health Kopel Dolog’s saving loan unit fluctuates. In 2010, Kopel Dolog’s saving loan unit got the predicate “Less Healthy”, because the amount of assessment score was still low. Whereas, in 2011assessment score increased large enough so Kopel Dolog’s saving loan unit goet the predicate “Healthy Enough”. However in 2012, Kopel Dolog’s saving loan unit experienced a little decreased, but still got the predicate “Healthy Enough”.
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