Sistem Pelayanan Sambungan Baru bagi Calon Pelanggan PDAM Tirta Moedal Kota Semarang cabang Semarang Selatan
The purposes of this final project were to describe theNew Connection Services System for Prospective Customer at PDAM TIRTA MOEDAL Semarang City South SemarangBranch, related partiesofnew connection services system, the document of new connection services system, problem that experienced by customer of PDAM TirtaMoedal South Semarang Branch, and the solution of that problem. This final project writing used descriptive methods. Data collection methods were interviewsand literature studies.The Interviews were implemented by interviewing some employes at PDAM Tirta Moedal.
There were stages that must be implemented by customer, the stages were registrating prospective customer to be costumer after that it is continued by survey location of new connection instalation,then producing the notification of decisionabout new connection instalation, and the last stage isdoing new connection instalation. The required documentsin new connection services systemareregistration form, copy of ID Card (KTP), receipt of hypotec tax, location map, decision letter of instalation, work order letter, permit letter for construction, bussines license (for people who want to build bussines), andownership construction document. For improving the new connection service it issuggested that the company to improve communication between the parties.
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