Mekanisme Penyusutan Arsip Inaktif pada PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Cabang tanjung Emas Semarang
The objectives of the study are to describe the mechanism of Inactive Archieves Disposal and to depreciate inactive archieves on records unit of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Branch Tanjung Emas Semarang
The final project is descriptively written Qualitative and quantitative data of the study were taken from secondary source. The data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation method.
The mechanism of inactive archieves disposal by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Branch Tanjung Emas Semarang is with procedure system. The inactive archieves are burned until shapeless. The disposals were done by collecting archieves by each division like Commercial Division, Financial Division, Management Information System Division, Engineering Division, Human Resource and General Division. Each division collects their archives and give over to records unit for made of proceedings list to destroy.
It was concluded that the mechanism of inactive archieves disposal by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Branch Tanjung Emas Semarang based on Jadwal Retensi Dokumen (JRD) that is determined based on the rules of directors.PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Branch Tanjung Emas Semarang uses the burned system to handle inactive archieves.
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