Budidaya Lele Sangkuriang Di Magelang
The demand of catfish increases every year but the production in this province does not fulfill market need. This fact inspired us to develop Sangkuriang catfish breeding.
The purpose of this project is to carried out catfish cultivation new bussiness with investor donation, and pressed production cost by produce feed independently.
The method of this project are product strategic, price strategic, promotion, funding investors and distribution strategic.
The result shows that Sangkuriang catfish cultivation in Magelang had done by investor donation as much as Rp 14.000.000 and produce profit as much as Rp 12.013.600,00. Total feed cost as much as Rp 3.600.000,00, compare with buy pelet feed as much Rp 8.400.000,00, so the cost efficiency as much Rp 5.800.000,00.
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