Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan General manager terhadap Motivasi Kerja Karyawan Patra Jasa Semarang Convention Hotel
As a service company in the field of rental and services, it would require a General Manager who has the managerial and operational skills are good, and also has the ability to motivate the employees to work with passion to achieve optimal results. This study aimed to find out whether there is an influence of leadership styles General Manager on employee motivation The analysis uses regression analysis with the outcome Y = 1,205 + 0,938 X which means that if the increased General Manager leadership style, it will be followed by increasing employee motivation. While the result of correlation analysis is R=0,794, this shows the relationship between General Manager leadership style and strong work motivation is positive. Result the coefficient of determination analysis is the value of KD=0,63, Its means 63% for employee motivation is influenced by the General Manager Leadership Style while the remaining 37% were infuenced by othe variables. And from the Test Coefficient is known that the T calculated is greater than T-table for 6,907 > 1,701, so it can conclusion that there are significant achievement motivation and leadership style of employee at Patra Jasa Semarang Convention Hotel.
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