Analisis Pengaruh Pelatihan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Antaran pada PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Kantor Divisi Regional
The purpose of this final report is to identify the training effect (training materials, facilities support, coach / trainer, the execution time of training, methods of training and trainees) towards postman’s performance in the collecting and delivery departmen of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero). No doubt that for the new era of globalization, many challenges must be faced by every company to survive and win the competition and one of the most important factors is the quality of human resources. The population in this observation is postmen as employees of PT Pos Indonesia (persero), the sampling technique in the finnal report is purposive sampling with 50 respondents.
The data are analyzed with Multiple Anlayze Linear Regression and technique analyze using F test, T test, determination coefficient, validity test, and reliability test.
The result of the regression analysis shows that equation model is
Y=-0,305 + 0,278 + 0,237 + 0,271 + 0,178 + -0,084 + 0,238, it mean that the dimensions of training (training materials, facilities support, coach / trainer, the execution time of training, methods of training and trainees) all together have significant effect towards postmen’s performance, determination coefficient which shows that Adjusted R square = 0,913, it means 91,3% the training programe is influenced by postmen’s performance.
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