Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Daihatsu Terios pada PT. Karya Zirang Utama Cabang DR. Cipto Semarang
The primary purposes of this final project are to identify the influence of quality product, price and promotion on purchasing decisions and to find out the most dominant variable influence on the purchasing decisions Daihatsu Terios in PT. Karya Zirang Utama Branch Dr. Cipto Semarang.
The sampling technique used in this study is the purposive sampling. The methods in collecting data are questionnaire, interview, and literature review. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression method, test reliability, validity, F test and t test.
Multiple linear regression method produces equations Y = 0,285 + 0.297 X1 + 0.297 X2 + 0.325 X3. Test reliability and validity of the test shown that the data are reliable and valid. Hypothesis is proved by using the f test and t-test which lead to the conclusion that: Variable product quality, price and promotion has a significant influence on purchasing decisions Daihatsu Terios in PT. Karya Zirang Utama Branch Dr. Cipto Semarang. Promotion variable is the variable which influenced dominantly of the promotion variables need to be considered and improved.
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