Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Angkutan Kereta Api Argo Muria pada PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) daerah Operasi IV Semarang
Service’s Quality is related to customer’s satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of service’s quality towards customer’s satisfaction of Argo Muria’s Train.
In this research, data were collected by questionnaire method for 100 respondents of Argo Muria’s passenger using purposive and accidental sampling. This research was also using qualitative and quantitative data to find out how service’s quality influence customer’s satisfaction. The independent variable of this research was service’s quality and the dependent variable was customer’s satisfaction. Analysis of this research was using validities and reliabilities test, Multiple Linear Regretion, hypothesis test with T-test and F-test.
The results of this research had passed the validity and reliability test by using SPSS 20.0 and resulting equation as follows:
Y = 0,166 + 0,146 X1 + 0,306 X2 + 0,141 X3 + 0,212 X4 + 0,165 X5
Based on the equation below, variabel Y was customer’s satisfaction of Argo Muria’s Train, X1 was Tangible, X2 was Reliability, X3 was Responsiveness, X4 was Assurance, and X5 was empathy. Hypothesis test shows that all of variables gave a significant influence on the dependent variable individually and stimultanely. The result of this research is all of variables accounted for 81,5% had influenced to customer’s satisfaction of Argo Muria’s Train while 18,5% influenced by other factors that were not included to this research.
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