Sistem Informasi Kenaikan Gaji Berkala (Studi Kasus Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Demak)
KPP Pratama Demak is a government agency under Direktorat Jendral Pajak. It has the authority to manage and explore the potential tax revenue in Demak. KPP Pratama Demak has commitment to improve the employee’s performance and service to the tax payers. Giving excellent service to taxpayers will make them feel appreciated that they are aware of paying taxes. But there is no excellent services if there is no spirit of employee’s performance. Salary is one of the factors to support the employee's performance. Therefore, giving employees their salary on the right time and the right amount is very important.
The big number of employees and the complicated salary increases which are based on the salary progression curves regulation make difficult to control the employee salary information. In addition, human error and inappropriate systems make it worse.
The purposes of this final project are to create an application which is able to give warning when there are employees who have entered the filing period for rise their salary and automatically making letter (Surat Pemberitahun Kenaikan Gaji Pegawai). This application is made with Microsoft Access. The methodology used is “System Development”. Stages of the system development methodology are: Problem investigation old system, analysis old system and system needed, designing and making new system, and implementation new system.
The application of this system is found to make easier in carrying the task of General Section to process data and present personnel information especially about the employee regular salary increases.
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