Strategi Lelang dalam Upaya Memenangkan tender Terbuka Barang dan Jasa pada PT Pakida Surya Mandiri Semarang
PT Rakida Surya Mandiri is a contractor services company that often participation the procurement auctions. Auction strategy is a very important factor for the company to win the auction contractor procurement of goods and services, for the viability of the company.
Objectives of this final project are to describe the tender process and the strategy that adopted by PT Rakida Surya Mandiri to win an open tender procurement for construction services. The final project report is descriptively written based on qualitative and quantitative data, which are collected through interview with the director of PT Surya Mandiri Rakida, observation, and literature study.
PT Rakida Surya Mandiri uses strategy by offers low prices without reducing quality and specification of goods expected by the project owner. By applying the strategy, the company won open tenders amounting to 5 tenders (62,5%) of 8 tenders in 2011 – 2012.
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