Penerapan program keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja karyawan pada PT Kubota Indonesia
Occupational safety and and health program is an effort to create an environment that is safe, healthy, prosperous and free from fire, work accidents and occupational. Therefore, the implementation takes occupational health and safety programs to prevent employees workplace accident and occupational diseases. The purposes of this project are: to know the implementation of safety and health programs for employees at PT Kubota Indonesia, to know the constraints and how to overcome these obstacles in the implementation of safety and health program of employees, and to determine the benefits in the implementation of safety and health programs for employees. This final report is written descriptively by using primary and secondary data which are obtained by interviews, observation and literature review. The implementation of safety and health programs for employees at PT Kubota Indonesia, involves employees in the social security program and the use of self-style seat must wear at work. It also form a committee builder employees safety and health which serves to oversee the implementation of the safety and health of employees. It provides training related to occupational health and safety code such as safety leadership, safety riding and diving behavior-based safety and first aid. The company also provides control sheet which serves to oversee and control the place at the company. By implementing safety and health programs companies can increase production and productivity.
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