Analisis pengaruh kejelasan peran, orientasi belajar dan sistem kontrol terhadap kinerja tenaga penjual pada fungsi industrial fuel marketing (IFM) area JBT PT Pertamina (Persero) marketing operation region IV
PT Pertamina (Persero) was a state-owned company engaged in the business of oil and gas as well as other related business activities both at national region and internasional region since 1971. The purpose of this final project is to determine of the Influence of Role Clarity, Learning Orientation and Control Systems of Sales Representative Performance at Function of Industrial Fuel Marketing (IFM) JBT Area PT Pertamina (Persero) Marketing Operation Region IV.
There are 35 respondents: there are the population of sales representative at Industrial Fuel Marketing Function (IFM) JBT Area PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) Marketing Operation Region IV. The sample of this research was 35 respondents. The methods in collecting data are observation, interview, questionaire and literature studies.
The result of this research showed that the most influential independent variables on the dependent variable was a variable control systems (0.450), and the variable role clarity (0.318). While f test indicated that dependent variable simultanneously influent the sales representative performance significantly. Determination coefficient was 0.246, it meant that 24.6% of sales representative performance could be explained by role clarity, orientation learning and control systems. Meanwhile, other part of 75.4% of sales representative performance was influenced by other variables, which were not included in this reseach
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