Mekanisme Penjualan Sparepart Pada PT Traktor Nusantara Cabang Semarang
PT Traktor Nusantara Branch Semarang continuously develops its business in distribution, rental and contracting. After sales support used equipment on industrial, agriculture, power & drive and road contruction
The purpose of the final report is to identify the spare parts on sales techniques, other parties involved in the sale of spare parts and spare parts sales documents. Data were collected by doing observation dan interviews at PT Traktor Nusantara Branch Semarang. As Secondary data were taken from internet and literature studies.
The sales of spare parts in the mechanism of PT Traktor Nusantara Branch Semarang customer requested order and must complete the sales documents that consist of invoices, ISTS,IBTS, faktur pajak, invoice, SPB. Delivery of goods can be done by means of through service delivery.
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