Penerapan sistem SS surat menyurat dalam penanganan surat masuk pada bagian umum Perum Perhutani divisi regional Jawa Tengah
The main objective of this research is to find out the Correspondence SS System and its application in handling incoming letters at General Division of Perum Perhutani Regional Division in Central Java.
The research method that was used in this research was descriptive method. The data were collected by observation directly to the field, interview with staff officers of Correspondence SS System and literature studies by reading and recording the information from the manual book according to experts, searching on the internet that would provide additional information about the electronic system in handling correspondence.
Based on the data that have been analyzed, it can be concluded that from the application of the Correspondence SS System in the General Division of Perum Perhutani Regional Division in Central Java obtained the advantage in terms of that traffic correspondence flow become more effective and efficient because it is conducted electronically. However, in the application of the Correspondence SS System there are several constraints, that is the lack of personnel handling of Correspondence SS System because there is only 1 (one) personnel who handles Correspondence SS System.
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