Persepsi Pegawai Terhadap Penerapan AMS (Aplikasi Manajemen Surat) dalam Tatalaksana Surat dan Kearsipan Pada PT PLN (PERSERO) Rayon Semarang Selatan
“Employee’s Perception about Implementation of AMS (Aplikasi Manajemen Surat) on The Letter and Record Management at PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Selatan”
AMS is an application of the letter management which is the letter is no secret that is used by PT PLN (Persero). The application was released because to effectively and efficiently the time, price, and more well organizing the letter and record management.
The purpose of the final report was to desribe the letter and record management using AMS at PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Selatan and to know perception of the employees about the implementation of AMS. This final project was written by using descriptive method. The data was obtained from the results of observation, interview, and questionnaires at PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Selatan. Literature study was obtained from the books, internet, and company.
The letter and Record managemet using AMS has been going well, since it have been no problems on the management. The results of the study about the employee’s peception showed 81,67% of employees need AMS to do their work, 76,67% of employees were satisfied with implementation of AMS, and 30% of employees felt that the display wasn’t good. The report concludes that the majority of the employees were satisfied with implementation of AMS.
Keyword: AMS, Management, Letter, Archival, Satisfied
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