Analisis pengaruh kompensasi finansial dan non finansial terhadap semangat kerja Karyawan Departemen Produksi PT. Phapros, Tbk Semarang
The Analysis of Influence on Financial and Non FinancialCompensation Towards Employee Morale in Production Department PT Phapros, Tbk Semarang
The success of a company / organization depends on its human resources. Employee morale is a major influence on the production of medicines quality and continuity of the company.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of financial and non-financial compensation to employee morale production department of PT Phapros, Tbk Semarang. Compensation is divided into two types. There are financial and non-financial compensation. The population in this study were all employees of the production department PT Phapros, Tbk Semarang with a total sample of 80 respondents.
Methods of collecting the data using questionnaires, interviews, and literature, while the side technique used is simple random sampling.The analytical tool used in this research is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. While the tools used to test the hypothesis is F test and T test.
From the result of multiple linear regression analysis Obtained values of linear regression equation is Y = 4.784 + 0.486 X1 + 0.449 X2. Based on the results of this study it can concluded that there is influence between financial and non-financial compensation on morale. From these two variables, financial compensation variable has a dominant influence on employee morale.
Keywords: compensation, financial and non-financial compensation, employee morale
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