Analisis perbandingan metode EOQ dan metode POQ dengan metode Min-Max dalam pengendalian persediaan bahan baku pada PT. Sidomuncul Pupuk Nusantara
Inventory control of raw materials is very important in production activities in the company, without inventory control, the company will face the risk that the company cannot fulfill the customer demand on time, due to shortage of raw materials and the company can also issue high cost in case of excess inventory in storage.
PT Sidomuncul Pupuk Nusantara in producing their product bio-organic fertilizer, needs a variety of raw materials such as: Ammonia, Bekatul, Urea, Dry Rumen, Biolit, Mincrodect, Potassium, NPK, Organic Powder OP31 and Phospate Acid. Biolit becomes the mainraw materials in production process of bio-organic fertilizer.
PT Sidomuncul Pupuk Nusantara implemented the Min-Max method in their inventory control of Biolit. This method is used by the decision of PT.Sidomuncul tbk, because this method has worked well in PT Sidomuncul tbk, but in the actual state, the company does not fit properly. PT Sidomuncul Pupuk Nusantara orders raw materials when raw materials still available by a considerable amount in the warehouse and the order quantity is too much (between 100-300kg per one orders), although PT Sidomuncul Pupuk Nusantara already reduced the frequency of purchases with the hope saving costs, causing the purchase of the quantity between 100-300kg per one orders, there is excess stock in the warehouse, its show the management inventory control of the company not going well.
EOQ method and POQ method could overcome that problem, they could determine the order quantity become more economical, minimize reorder cost, and storage costs. Inventory control will be optimal if PT Sidomuncul Pupuk Nusantara use EOQ method because the company does not require warehouse with great capacity for saving their quantity,the carrying cost for biolit will be less, depreciation can also be reduced, the insurance cost and tax will be less. Frequency of purchases for EOQ method as much as 42 times a year with quantity of 26 kg per one orders. EOQ method can save the inventory cost of raw materials as much as Rp127.985.727,- from Rp 182.053.200 (actual state of the company) to be Rp54.067.473 (EOQ Method)
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