Analisis pengaruh motivasi hirarki kebutuhan terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan pada PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Cabang Semarang
This research was conducted at PT Pelabuhan indonesia III branch Tanjung emas Semarang, a company engaging in providing the harbour service which always gives satisfaction to the stakeholders. So it is important for the company to motivate employees to work to achieve jobs satisfaction so that employees can improve their performance. The purpose, of this research were to find out the influence hierarchical motivation of needs on employees jobs satisfaction, and how much was that influenced.
The research sample were 60 employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia branch Tanjung emas Semarang as respondents. The independent variable of this research was hierarchical motivation of needs and the dependent variable was jobs satisfaction of employees . The method of analysis in this research used validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression test, t test, f test, and the coefficient of determination. While the method of collecting data were questionnaire and literature study.
The result of the regression analysis shows that at the regression equation Y = 9,680 + 0,360 X1 + 0,325X2 + 0,297X3 + 0,255 X4 + 0,139 X5,which meant that hierarchical motivation of needs gave positive and significant effect on jobs satisfaction. The results obtained from testing of 5 variable hypothesis t-test > t-table 1.(4,226>2,004), 2.(3,643>2,004),3.(3,068>2,004),4.4,002>2,00 , 5 .(3,960>2,004) so we could conclude that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. The results obtained from testing of f test, showed that ftest >f table (47,167 >2,39) so we could conclude that h1 was accepted. From the results showed the value of the coefficient of determination was 0,546, indicating that the motivation to work had the effect of 55 % on job satisfaction and the rest was influenced by other factors which were not examined in this study
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