The influence of the marketing mix on the export sales volume of textile product at PT. Prima Texco Indonesia
This study entitled “The Influence of The Marketing Mix on The Export Sales Volumes of Textile Product at PT. Primatexco Indonesia”, aimed to analyze the influence of the marketing mix on the export sales volumes. This study used secondary data taken from PT. Primatexco Indonesia, per month in 2004 through 2014.
The analysis method that is used in this research is using normality test, classical assumption test (which includes heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, autocorrelation), multiple linear regression analysis, T-test, F-test, and R2 (coefficient of determination).
Based on the simultaneous test, the results proved that independent variables that is product, place, promotion, and price simultaneously had a significant influence on the export sales volumes with the calculated value of F values = 167.475 and sig = 0,000 < 5% this means independent variables product, place, promotion, and price simultaneously significant influence on the dependent variable (export sales volume). In other words, the independent variables are able to explain the amount of the dependent variable.
Based on partial analysis, the results proved that the three independent variables that is product, place, and price significantly influenced on the export sales volumes. On product variable t count value of 13.887 was > t table 2.29 which means that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. While the promotion variable did not have any influence significantly on the export sales volumes, because t count value -1.609 was < t table, so Ho was accepted and Ha was rejected.
The results of multiple linear regression test shows that all independents variables that is product, place, and price had a positive influence on the export sales. The greatest positive influence on export sales volumes was product variable (X1), it is shown from the regression coefficient of 8.976, followed by price variable (X4) with a regression coefficient of 1.451E-5, followed by place variable (X2) with a regression coefficient of 2.383E-6. While the promotion variable (X3) with coefficient regression of -6.210E-10, it means that promotion variable does not have any positive influence on the export sales volumes.
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