Mekanisme Perijinan Untuk Memperoleh Fasilitas Kaber Dan Kite Pemasukan Barang Impor Serta Pengeluaran Barang Ekspor di Wilayah Kerja KPPBC Tanjung Emas Semarang
Recently, the government has provided various facilities to entrepreneurs engaged in import export. This is to support export and import activities in Indonesia and to facilitate the activities of economic growth. The facilities that have been given by government is to import raw materials from original countries and export the production. The facilities that have been provided by the government include the facilities for Bonded Zone and Kite.
Directorate General Customs and Excise as the trade facilitator should be able to give support and amenities. The amenities that Directorate General Customs and Excise would give to support the exporter which import material is the facility of Bonded Zone dan KITE.
The purpose of writing this final project is to know about the mechanism to obtain Bonded Zone facilities and KITE facilities. Moreover it aims to find out the various procedures of export and import goods and the estabilishment of procedures Bonded Zone and KITE. The data were collected by interviewing Mr. Dian Fakhridzal Hasan and Mr. Tesar Pratama about some information supporting the purpose. This final project was written descriptively.
After analyze the data, it was found that to get Bonded Zone facility the companies must apply to KPPBC by filling data in “Surat Permohonan Sebagai PKB”, after the data are completed and qualified the petition will be granted. To get KITE facility the companies must has NIPER. After the company has NIPER, the company has been able to conduct import and export activities using KITE facility.
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