Pengaruh strategi multi bundling produk dan atribut produk terhadap keputusan migrasi pelanggan (studi kasus pada produk telkom indihome di kota Semarang)
A Competition taking place in the telecommunications service industry makes several telecommunications services providers need to understand the needs and wants of its customers. Companies must be ready to face the competition and drastically change the pattern of corporate strategy and product marketing strategies. This competition requires every company to enhance creativity and developing the marketing strategies and existing products.
In this project, the researcher collects data by conducting observation, questionnaires, and literature study. Purposive sampling technique is used to 100 respondents as sample in Semarang. In addition, analytical techniques to test the validity, reliability, normality, multiple linear regression, t test, F test, and coefficient of determination (R2) with the help of "SPSS 22.0" is used to support this study.
Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, the regression equation is Y = 2.102 + 0.217X1 + 0.494X2 + e, and then with the regression equation, it would be known that the strategy of bundling multiple products and product attributes has a positive and significant influence on the decision of the customer migration. As the coefficient of determination was 0.757. It demonstrates that the strategy of bundling multiple products and product attributes are able to confirm the decision on the migration of customers by the total percentage of 75.7%, while the remaining 24.3% is explained by other variables that are not observed in this study. According to the analysis of data, we are able to find the existence of a significant and positive effect of bundling multiple strategy products and product attributes on customer migration decisions. It means that when the PT. Telkom, Tbk. develops bundling multiple strategy and product attributes of IndiHome, it could improve customer migration decisions.
Keywords: Product, Bundling Product, Product Attributes, Customer, Customer Migrations.
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