Pengaruh kualitas pelayanan dan kepuasan pelanggan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan bus rapid transit di Kota Semarang
Bus Trans Semarang is one of a means of mass transportation in Semarang city.
Service quality and Customer satisfaction are very important to create loyalty. This research
aimed to analyze the influence of Service quality and Customer Satisfaction on customer
loyalty on Bus Trans Semarang.
The purposes of this final project are to determine the influence of Service quality
and Customer Satisfaction on customer loyalty on Bus Trans Semarang. The sampling
technique used in this research was purposive sampling to select the respondents. The
sample size of this research were 100 respondents.
Observation, interviews, questionnaires method are used to collect data. The method
used in this research is the analysis method that used simple linear regression.
The result of multiple linier regression analysis are Y = 2,939 + 0,053X1 + 0,610X2
and Service quality (X1), Customer Satisfaction (X2) significantly influential positive on
customer loyalty. The most influential variable is customer satisfaction (0,610). The more
immediate priority is variable customer satisfaction. Coefficient determination was 0,398, it
means that 39,8% of customer loyalty could be explained by Service quality and Customer
Satisfaction. Meanwhile, 60,2% of customer loyalty was influenced by other variables, which
were not observed in this research.
Keywords: service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty.
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