Peran Public Relation Dalam Menciptakan Citra Positif Pada PT Coca Cola Botling Indonesia Central Java
food&beverage business if is managed by professional management Public relations is one of significant factors because as mediator between consumen with management in creating positif image.
The aim of final report is to know activities, strategy and role by public relations in creating positif image and to understand how community opinion about activities Public relatios.
Data collection used in the final report are interview, book literature and questionaire.
PT. COCA-COLA BOTTLING INDONESIA CENTRAL JAVA is one of food&beverage companies, located at Jl. Semarang-Bawen Km. 30 PO BOX 119, Ungaran. Based on above discussion can draw conclution that the role of public relation are good cooperative and relationship with internal and external public.
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