Peran Humas Dalam Membangun Citra Positif Perusahaan Pada PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX ( Persero ) Semarang
PTPN is a governmen owned company which,concerned in agroindustry sector,with understanding respect each other; mantain good relationship with society.and making good image of the company , so the aim of the company can be reached
The primary pupose of the final project is to find out the role of public relations in building good image of PTPN
The data were collected by observation,interviews,and literature studies,and it’s written descriptively
The result show that the role of Public relations in PTPN are the build good communication with costumers, to do the working program which were planned by PTPN and to do social activities to society for example:establish good communication with customers by providing updated information on the company's products,run a work program that has been laid out as the company filed a program that supports the activities of the GO GREEN Empower government.
Involved in social activities for example to give development assistance mosques, bridges, aid to orphanages, mass circumcision, cheap food.
It can be concluded that the role of Public Relationship in PTPN is successful in building good image of the company is suggested that PTPN should divide the Public Relationship in one devision
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