Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Pantja Tunggal KnittingMill Semarang
Leadership style is one factor that can affect how the performance of employees within a company. Maximum employee performance can be achieved when the creation of conducive conditions can be influenced by a leader's leadership style.
The purpose of this research is to find out how much influence the leadership style on employee performance in PT Pantja Tunggal Kniting MillSemarang.
The method in collecting data are observation, interviews, literaturestudy andquestionares.
The result of the simple linier regression was Y = 5.400+0.400 X. It means that Leadership style and employee performance had positive correlation. The correlation analysis indicated R = 0.661, it means that correlation between Leadership style and employee performance was Strong and positive. Then, the t test of the influence leadership style on employee performance indicated that t count 2.589 is bigger than t table 1.990 by using two side test of 5 %. This shows that Ho was refused, it means there was an influence of Leadership style onemployee performance at PT Pantja Tunggal Knitting Mill Semarang.
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