Peran Bagian Administrasi Umum Dalam Aktivitas Korespondensi Pada Satuan Kerja Non Vertikal Tertentu Preservasi Jalan Dan Jembatan DPU Bina Marga Semarang Jawa Tengah
Administration office is one of very important requirement in supporting the success of a company. One of the administrative roles is to support the activities of correspondence.
The objective of this final report is to descripe the role of public administration unit to support correspondence activity at Satuan Kerja Non Vertikal Tertentu Preservasi Jalan dan Jembatan DPU Bina Marga Semarang.
The method of collecting data of the final project are observation, interview and literature review. This final report is written descriptively with qualitative analysis.
The results of this final report are role of Public Administration at Satuan Kerja Non Vertikal Tertentu Preservasi Jalan dan Jembatan DPU Bina Marga Semarang is as a recipient of the letter, processing, sorting and delivering mail. In coming and outgoing letter management, don’t use control card and introductory letter.
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