Analisis pengaruh kualitas produk dan harga kaos kaki terhadap minat beli konsumen pada UD Persada Ungaran
In the competitive era, customers may select some alternative product so consumers’ satisfaction is the key of the result of a good product quality. Therefore standard price toward product quality would influence the consumers’ opinion to select the product. The purpose of this research is know the influence of product quality and price of socks to the interest buying at UD. Persada Ungaran.
The methods of collecting data in this research are observation, interview, questionnaire and literature review. The source of data are primary data and secondary data. The technique of sampling was random sampling to select the respondents. Sample of this research are 100 respondents. Data analysis method used are validity and reliability test of questionnaires and double regression analysis.
Data were analyzed by regression with SPSS 11.5 Program. The result of regression shows that that the regression comparison is Y Unstandardized = 20.267 + 0.249X1+ 0.205X2. That means if no variable product quality and price, buying interest is 20.267. The result of regression shows that the regression comparison is Y Standardized = 0.654X1 + 0.158X2. That means product quality has the biggest domination influence.
It is concluded that the product quality and price has significant influence to buying interest at UD. Persada Ungaran. It is recommended that the company should enchance the product quality and maintain it so that the price could b ein accordance with the product quality.
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